Answered By: Theresa Lyman
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2021     Views: 167

In order to check out materials from BC Libraries, access your library accounts, request digitized copies of book chapters and articles, and use password-protected electronic library resources, you will need to have a BC ID and login credentials.  You may also want to configure your BC email address to forward to another account.  Here are the procedures to follow:
  • Obtain your BC "Eagle" ID and username from the BC Student Services office.
  • Your login password will initially be set to the first 8 numbers in your Eagle ID, without the space.  You can change that password by logging into the Agora Portal and clicking on "Change BC Password"
  • You should also have a BC email account associated with your Eagle ID.  At this address, you will receive all library account-related notifications.  We recommend that you forward the email to your SJS account, or one that you regularly check.  Instructions on how to set up automatic email forwarding are located here:
  • For help with your email account or other technical issues, please contact the BC Help Desk.
  • To login to your library or Interlibrary loan account, go to "My accounts" located at the top of the BC Libraries' website:  Log into those accounts using the username that you received from BC Student Services and the password that you changed via the BC Agora portal. 

Staff at the Theology and Ministry Library will be happy to assist you if you would like a demonstration.