Answered By: Steve Runge
Last Updated: Mar 30, 2021     Views: 69

Select advanced search on the library home page.

  • To search by author, use the drop-down to the left of the entry bar that reads "Any field" to select "Author/creator." Type the author's name into the entry field. (For films, the author is the director.) There is no need to enter last name first.
  • To search by title, use the drop-down to the left of the entry bar that reads "Any field" to select "Title." Type the title.

If you are searching for a particular item, it is a good idea to do the following, just in case the title as you have written it does not quite match the record in our system:

  1. On one line, select "Author/creator" and type the author's last name.
  2. On another line, select "Title," and enter a few words from the title. Less common words work best.

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