Answered By: Steve Runge
Last Updated: Aug 08, 2022     Views: 1085

Desktop computers are available for BC Community use in all campus libraries. In addition, there are a limited number of computers in each library for guest use.

O'Neill Library:

  • 1st floor: 6 computers (2 Mac, 4 Windows)
  • 2nd floor (Digital Studio) 16 Macs & 4 Windows computers with specialized software for data analysis and visualization and multimedia production & editing.
  • 3rd floor: 52 computers (mix of Mac & Windows). 14 are available for guest use. Additionally: 2 monitor-only workstations for laptop users to have a second monitor.
  • 4th floor: 16 computers left of stairwell (mix of Mac & Windows)
  • 5th floor: 1 Mac at top of stairwell.

Any workstation can print to print stations in any library. In O'Neill Library, print stations are located on the 3rd floor near the glass atrium, and on the first floor near the exit.

MacBook and Dell laptops are also available for loan at O'Neill Library at the Circulation desk on the 3rd floor, and at the Social Work Library. (See "Technology Loans" below.)