Answered By: Steve Runge
Last Updated: Feb 05, 2018     Views: 1262

PubMed, freely available on the web, was developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a federal office under the NIH as a search tool for accessing literature citations and linking to some full-text journals.

If you access PubMed through the BC Libraries website, you will have more success finding full-text articles; listings in the "Link Out" link will go through the library's link resolver to access articles that would otherwise be blocked by a paywall on the public PubMed site. Here's how to do it from the library home page:

  1. On the library home page, click the "Databases" link to get to the Databases A-Z page.
  2. Enter "Pubmed" in the databases search box.
  3. Click the blue highlighted link that appears below the box.
  4. In Pubmed search results, click on the title of an article that interests you, and in the full article record, click "FindIt@BC" to search for a full text version.