Answered By: Nina Bogdanovsky
Last Updated: Jun 24, 2019     Views: 5740

JSTOR is a digital archive of fully searchable back issues of scholarly journals in anthropology, Asian Afro American studies, ecology, economics, education, finance, general science, history, literature, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, sociology, and statistics.

Access it either by clicking JSTOR or by clicking on the Databases and searching for "jstor".

Access to JSTOR is open to members of the Boston College community: current students, staff, and faculty. Boston College alumni can also access JSTOR through the BC Alumni Community.

Though JSTOR is a useful database, please be aware that it is far from comprehensive, and excludes full-text results from the past 5 years. If you want more complete or current results within a particular field, consider searching for an appropriate subject-specific database via the links below.