Answered By: RefDesk O'Neill
Last Updated: Mar 15, 2021     Views: 202

Instructions for connecting to the wireless network vary depending on the device you are using and your status at BC (current faculty, student, staff, or guest).

Follow the appropriate step-by-step instructions for your device and status at the BC Information Technology Services (ITS) Connect to the Internet page.

Guests who connect to the BostonCollege wireless network will not have access to online resources due to firewall restrictions.  Guests should instead connect to Eduroam if they have an account, or use a Guest computer in one of the libraries.

If you run into problems, please call the Technology Help Center (aka Help Desk) at 617-552-HELP (2-4357), or if you are in O'Neill Library, visit the Tech Support Center on the third (main) floor.